Hello Theređź‘‹Ramdlan Faqih

Tech Enthusiast - Web Developer - Mobile Developer

"I am a quick learner, highly motivated, and capable of working independently or in a team."

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About Me

Frontend Developer

I am a frontend developer specializing in React and React Native, with experience in web and mobile application development. I am a quick learner, highly motivated, and capable of working independently or in a team. I graduated from Pijar Camp's Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer bootcamp by Telkom Indonesia. I have a broad interest in all things tech.

Let's Connect

I would love to connect with you and share our experiences. Feel free to reach out to me through the following platforms

Portofolio Showcase

My Recent Projects

Here, I present my latest web and mobile projects that showcase a blend of passion and expertise. Each endeavor is a unique journey, reflecting my commitment to crafting meaningful and impactful solutions for the digital realm.

VISI8 Mobile Apps

Visi8 Comic - Storytelling revolution


Material generator using openAI

Mama Recipe Website

Mama Recipe is a website that allows users to share recipes and watch cooking tutorials through videos. Mama Recipe Features include allowing users to create and share their own recipes. Users can also browse and view recipes shared by other users

Blanja E-Commerce Website

Blanja E-commerce Website is a platform where users can buy and sell various products. The website allows sellers to list their products, manage inventory, and interact with potential customers, while buyers can browse products and make purchases.

Mama Recipe Mobile

Mobile Apps Version of Mama Recipe. This Apps allows users to share recipes and watch cooking tutorials through videos. Mama Recipe Features include allowing users to create and share their own recipes. Users can also browse and view recipes shared by other users

Peworld Website

Peworld is a HireJob website aimed at connecting job seekers and recruiters. Recruiters can search and filter potential candidates. For Job Seekers, they can edit their personal details. Job seekers can also add their work experience and portfolio information


Sistem Informasi Surveyor Pemetaan Indonesia - Badan Informasi Geospasial

My Tech Journey

Embarking on a fascinating journey, I've delved into a spectrum of programming languages, frameworks, and libraries, unlocking the door to a world of endless possibilities in the realm of technology. Below are some of the technologies I've immersed myself in:



Let's Connect

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